You have lived and worked in Minnesota for 35 years. Your mom, age 85, lives in the home you were raised in and has lived for 50 or more years. Unfortunately, she has just fallen and is badly bruised, but is physically able, with paid services, to still get around. However, her attending physician does not believe that she can continue living alone in her present situation. Given that he knows that she has had a few recent episodes of failing to pay his bill and has also overpaid it substantially on occasion, has expressed concern that she may not be able to manage financial affairs any more. Mom designated you, as the oldest child, to act as their agent under their power of attorney and as the successor trust of their revocable living trust. She named your sister as her health care agent in an advance directive. Read more
Pay for Family Caregivers – Essential Need for Incentive, fairness, equity, and financial costs to state for governmental budgets
Currently, the Star Tribune newspaper is running an occasional series of articles titled, “Aging Parents, Stressed Families”, to highlight the difficulties faced by an “immense and often overwhelming challenge” faced by the growing number of family members taking care of parents or other loved ones. According to the first of the series, Caregivers Wear Out, there are 35 million family caregivers who constitute an “invisible workforce that needs to be helped … and supported. Read more
Clients Need to Provide Direction for their Lifestyle and their Care in the Event of Incapacity
You have lived and worked in Minnesota for 35 years. Your mom, age 85, lives in the home you were raised in and has lived for 50 or more years. Unfortunately, she has just fallen and is badly bruised, but is physically able, with paid services, to still get around. However, her attending physician does not believe that she can continue living alone in her present situation. Given that he knows that she has had a few recent episodes of failing to pay his bill and has also overpaid it substantially on occasion, has expressed concern that she may not be able to manage financial affairs any more. Mom designated you, as the oldest child, to act as their agent under their power of attorney and as the successor trust of their revocable living trust. She named your sister as her health care agent in an advance directive. Read more